We are the proud parents of 3 amazing children who are our reason for all that we do. We started in this business a little over 3 years ago after I had our youngest daughter Anabella. I had just been let go from the company I worked at for over 5 years and my husband worked as a security guard and also on the Air Force as a military police. Our lives were busy and money was tight, but my husband always made me feel as if he had everything under control (which wasn't true most of the time).
This opportunity came into our lives when our family needed it the most. It has not only helped us financially but has allowed us to develop relationships with people that we now call family. It has given us the freedom of time and the flexibility to be with our children and to be a part of all those little things in life.
At the end of the day we are just a couple who enjoy what we do. We work together, play together and help others be the best they can be. It is what we love to do.